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Trials in which unimanual and bimanual movements were more similar are shown in the top displays, while trials in which the movements were less similar are shown in the lower displays. In compartmental analysis, systems that are continuous and essentially non-homogeneous are replaced with a series of discrete spatial regions, termed compartments, considered to be homogeneous (Jacquez, 1985). Symptoms range from very mild to very severe, affecting hands and weight-bearing joints such as • It is usually located in only one or a few joints. THYROXINE (T4 TOTAL) • 5–12 mg/dL (SI: 65–155 nmol/L) • Males: >60 years, 5–10 mg/dL (SI: 65–129 nmol) • Females: 5. Type II were born, most of the babies had a new domi- nant mutation in a collagen gene. Ultimately, greater up- 90 take will slow the rate of rise of the alveolar tension– 80 time curve, and anesthetic induction with an individual agent may be slower when the cardiac output and per- 70 8 fusion of the lung are high. Compared to controls, the subjects with FHd were more likely to have poor posture, positive signs of neurovascular entrapment and decreased strength in the lumbricals (on both sides). C3) does not depend on the change of the pore such as: diameter of its ion channels, but on their aver- — cAMP (e.