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Delavirdine (Rescriptor) is approved for the treatment Protease inhibitors interact with a large number of of HIV-1 infection in adults and adolescents over age 16 drugs because they are metabolized by and inhibit as part of a combination therapy. Wells Belinda Rowland, PhD Science Writer Medical Writer Laguna Hills, CA Voorheesville, NY Joan M. The conjoined tendon rotates the coracoid process and glenoid inferolaterally and can result in significant displacement. This progressive deposition Certain drugs are sometimes associated with of toxic iron may result in an enlarged spleen or liver, liver disease, diabetes, impotence, arthritic signs, and acquired sideroblastic anemia: progesterone (found in heart disease, particularly cardiac arrhythmia. Triglyceride trough level (obtained at least 6 h after infusion has stopped, prefer- ably prior to hanging next bottle of fat) once or twice weekly. Curves of 40° or more are highly likely to worsen, to recognize the signs of retinal detachment (sudden even in an adult, because the spine is so badly imbalanced blurring of vision in one eye becoming progressively that the force of gravity will increase the curvature. Its precise mechanism of ac- Sulfones, such as dapsone and sulfoxone (Diasone), tion is unknown but may involve mycobacterial DNA are well absorbed orally and are widely distributed binding. It is clearly underdiagnosed, probably due to the mally to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and symptoms being attributed to another problem, or lack of 208 GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GENETIC DISORDERS knowledge about celiac disease by physicians and laboratories. His chest radiograph showed diffuse pul- what he describes as an itchy rash on the lower ab- monary infiltrates.