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If the echocardiogram does not allow the physician to visualize all portions of the Presently, there is no objective diagnostic test for aorta, CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic res- Marfan syndrome, in part because the disorder does not onance imaging) may be used. The data discussed in this article were recorded from 3 monkeys and included the activity of more than 438 neurons (232 in M1 and 206 in SMA). Tests for serum glutamine oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and alkaline phos- Diagnostic questionnaires and checklists phatase can indicate alcohol-related injury to the liver. Most importantly, the experimental design allowed us to dissociate the neuronal correlates of motor performance from plastic changes associated with motor learning. Its efficacy in patients with chronic cardiac and Drug Interactions or respiratory disease has not been established. Depression, includ- ing thoughts of suicide, has been reported more recently as another, much more serious, potential side effect. However, neocortical suspension grafts may require multiple small injections into the neocortex on the border of the damaged region because direct injection into a severely damaged (or ischemic) area may provide minimal tissue nutrition and support for initial growth of axons. Thus, as an equilibrium-competitive antagonist of adenosine, the methylxanthines may pro- XANTHINES duce excitation either by direct blockade of inhibitory The compounds known as xanthines, methylxanthines, effects of adenosine at the neuron or by an antagonism or xanthine derivatives constitute a particularly inter- of the presynaptic inhibitory effect of adenosine on the esting class of drugs.